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Empowered Recovery’s Version 

of Al-Anon’s 12 Steps

December 2001 - Updated June 2002


Empowered Recovery is not a 12-Step program. However, there is value 

in looking at Al-Anon's 12 Steps through the eyes of Empowered Recovery. 

The following steps were influenced by Jyude A. Allbright’s “Soul Steps.”

Click Here to View Al-Anon's 12 Steps

1.  We admitted we are powerful beings, yet, are powerless over others—that our lives only appeared unmanageable.


2.  Came to believe in the indomitable power of the Human Spirit; and that we already have what it takes inside of us to restore us to sanity.


3.  Made a decision to turn within ourselves to connect with our rational Higher Self in order to determine positive solutions to negative circumstances.


4. Gave ourselves permission to be afraid of taking an honest moral inventory, but did so anyway in an empowered way.


5.  Admitted to ourselves and others our role in contributing to a dysfunctional relationship.


6.  Were entirely ready to accept personal responsibility for our lives and effect positive changes to negative circumstances within our control.


7. Humbly embraced the human right of Free Will, recognizing that only we alone can remove our shortcomings through Self-Acceptance, Self-Responsibility, and positive action.


8.  Made a list of all persons we thought we harmed—beginning with ourselves first—and saw the healing power of Self-Acceptance and the willingness to make amends.


9.  Made direct amends to anyone we believed we harmed so long as doing so would not harm them further, and were at peace even if our amends were not accepted.


10. Continued to take personal inventory, being careful not to assume personal responsibility for that which was not ours, and then made appropriate behavior changes as necessary.


11. Sought through deliberate inner contemplation to connect with our rational Higher Self to accept personal responsibility and change only the things we can change to the benefit of all concerned, but especially with regard to ourselves and our children.


12. Having had a spiritual awakening to the harmful effects of a codependent-alcoholic relationship, we continue to grow in self-awareness, and give back to the world by helping others to grow also.  





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